Take part in This Girl Can Week 9 to 15 October 2023! It's all about getting more active and trying something new. No matter how big or small – we have options for you. The problem is half of us aren’t getting the exercise we need each week. Women have shared that a big part of not trying new activities or getting involved in sport is a fear of being judged, or not being fit enough to start. 
That’s why This Girl Can Week puts the spotlight on women in action! We want you to know that you absolutely belong in gyms, health clubs, pools, and on sporting teams. We understand the barriers you might face in getting started, and we're here to break those barriers together. 

Whether you're a newcomer or a seasoned regular, we invite you to participate in activities that empower, inspire, and connect.

What's on:

In celebration of This Girl Can Week, we're excited to offer a series of women-only group fitness classes at various locations. These sessions are designed to empower and inspire women and girls of all ages and fitness levels!

Class Schedule

Brunswick Baths:
Yoga: Monday 9 October at 6:00pm
Zumba: Friday 13 October at 6:30pm

Book now for Brunswick Baths

Coburg Leisure Centre:
Youth Boxing: Saturday 14 October at 2:00pm
Cycle: Sunday 15 October at 8:30 am

Book now for Coburg Leisure Centre

Oak Park:
Circuit: Thursday 12 October at 4:30pm

Book now for Oak Park

We hope you can join us!